Car lockouts

Locked outside the car? Here’s what to do and avoid

As professional locksmiths, some of the most frequent emergency cases we encounter are car lockouts. In fact, an average car owner gets locked outside their vehicle once every three years. It’s frustrating. But it’s also, for the most part, unavoidable. To err is human. No matter how many precautionary measures you take, somehow, some day, you might accidentally lock your keys inside the car. And, at that critical moment, you have a range of options to choose from and – at the same time – a host of things to avoid. So here are some of the dos and don’ts of car lockouts.


Don’t break the windows

One of the most common “solutions” of the lockout problem is to break the windows to unlock the car. This is highly inadvisable. Not only is it incredibly expensive, but there is also a huge risk of injuries. Why go for a so-called solution which raises so many potential problems? What’s even worse is that some insurance policies refuse to cover damage resulting from a break-in to recover the keys. Not to mention the time and resources you have to spend on the repairs. It’s a big no-no. That’s our point.

Don’t use a hanger

Another popular car hack is to use a coat hanger to gain access to the car keys locked inside. Again, this is more trouble than it’s worth. Whether you’re using the hanger through the top of the window or to create a gap between the window and the door, it will not ultimately end well. We have discovered, in numerous cases that the hangers either permanently damage the windows or, even worse, create a permanent gap in the door. It’s even worse than smashing the window.

Don’t accept help from strangers

Does this even need to be said? Car thieves are on the lookout for potential victims. They offer them help in gaining access and may drive with the vehicle, leaving you behind dazed and confused. Even if the stranger does not have a malicious intention, it’s not their car. They won’t necessarily treat your car with the care it deserves. The risk of damage is still there.


Stay calm

The first thing you need to when you’re locked outside the vehicle – stay calm. The key is to relax. Take a deep breath. Consider your options in such a situation. Do you have a child or a pet inside the vehicle? How much time can you afford? What will be the best option in your particular situation? It’s better to think beforehand than to regret it later.

Seek help from the police

The best thing to do in any emergency situation is to contact the police. They are there to help. And if you have a child or a pet in the vehicle, they may assist you in gaining access to the vehicle. If not, then they usually recommend contacting professional locksmith services.

Call a locksmith

This is the obvious solution to any lockout problem. Locksmiths are dedicated professionals, trained and experienced in the art of damage-free access to the vehicle. They are also incredibly responsive. At Key4Freedom, for instance, we make great effort to reach on time. Our professional locksmiths can reach you within 30 minutes of the initial request. And if you’re located anywhere in or around Liverpool, Manchester, St. Helens, Warrington, or Wigan – why don’t you just give us a call and find out?

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