Free Locksmith Advice–Tip of the Day

Thank you for visiting our website. Here’s a free security tip of the day. Don’t forget to visit tomorrow for more. Have a nice day!

Our most important tip, for you, is to begin with the things you shouldn’t do.
Avoiding doing things which you probably got used to doing, without any special care for the included risks, is not to going cost you anything; however, by adopting a “correct behaviour”, you can dramatically improve the security of your home, in no time.

Let’s begin with the THINGS YOU SHOULDN’T DO:

Don’t try to break into your house in case of lockouts. Chances are you might end up doing more harm than good. Contact Key4Freedom for emergency lockout services.

Don’t get help from an amateur to gain access to your premises. Always go for a professional. Key4Freedom has a professional team of local locksmiths at your service.

Don’t leave your keys in the key hole. You may think this is a rather obvious tip, but this had leaded to a lot of crimes. Letting the keys hang in the lock means making it incredibly easy for burglars to gain access to your premises. Keep your door locked at all times and keep the keys as far away from the lock as possible. Always double check before leaving the house, this is extremely important.

Don’t leave the keys lying around in the house.

Once the burglar manages to gain entry into the house, their job is made easier if you leave the keys to other rooms lying around in obvious places, such as on shelves or on the table. One of the principles of basic security is to store the keys in a secure location.

Don’t leave any windows open. If you’re not in the room, close and bolt the window.

Don’t leave outdoor chairs and tables near your windows. Burglars may use this furniture to break the glass.

Don’t leave the valuables in plain sight.

If your valuables, such as cash or jewellery, are lying around out in the open, the burglars won’t even have to try. And this is not just limited to the aforementioned items. Electronic gadgets like laptops, iPads, iPods, and smartphones also offer attractive opportunities to burglars.

Don’t leave any bush in your backyard untrimmed. Overgrown bushes and shrubberies are haven for potential burglars to hide.

Don’t leave any dark areas around the premises. If you live on an unlit street, install lights around your house or office.

Don’t leave a light on. It might be tempting to think that light inside your house would deter the burglars. That’s not necessarily true. No one leaves the light on for 24 hours. Better yet, install electronic timer switches.

How to improve the security of your premises

Assess security risks

The first step in ensuring improved security of the premises is to do a comprehensive assessment of the risks. Find problems to solve. Identify key areas of risk. Spot areas of easy access and work your way to secure them. Contact Key4Freedom for free security surveys.

Install better quality doors

There’s no point in installing an expensive high quality lock system on the door if the door itself is incapable of offering satisfactory protection to your premises. Keep that in mind when you go shopping for a door. Re-assess your existing doors for any potential points of vulnerability such as glass panels. These points can offer easy access to the lock inside.

Install better locks

Ask yourself this critical question. Are my current locks enough to ensure complete protection from break-ins and burglaries? If not, then a lock change should be your priority. Call Key4Freedom for affordable lock replacement or lock fixing. 

Install British Standard locks

Most insurance agencies demand high-quality British Standard locks to maximise premises security. Contact Key4Freedom for lock replacement. We can upgrade your locks on an affordable rate.

Protect the letterbox

Letterbox fishing is when burglars try to fish for keys and other valuable objects through the letterbox. Your goal is to avoid that at all times. Find means to secure the letterbox and prevent too much outside access.

Install high quality window locks

Sometimes, in our attempts to secure the house, we focus too much on the doors and ignore the windows altogether. This undermines the whole purpose of installing door locks in the first place. Door and window security go hand in hand. When you install locks on doors, secure the windows as well. And don’t forget to keep them firmly shut as well. An open window is an open invitation to a burglar.

Install blinds or curtains on the windows

Your outer windows should not offer a clear view into your house. If they do, the burglars can easily see all the valuables lying around, which makes their intention to rob your house even stronger. Install blinds on the windows. Block visibility from the outside.

Post security guards

We know this may sound pretty obvious but there’s no better alternative to hiring security guards for your premises. This best works for commercial establishments. No technology can provide what a security guard brings to the table – the human element.

Install CCTV cameras

Not only do cameras deter potential thieves and burglars from committing a crime, they can also act as a source of valuable evidence should any such event occur.

Install electronic timer switches

Your home is at its most vulnerable when you are away. So install electronic timer switches for whenever you’re on a holiday or business trip. The switch would turn your lights on and off at periodic interval to give an impression of activity to an outside observer.

More is better!

When it comes to improving premises security, more is always better. Install precautionary devices such as door chains, door bolts, and sash jammers etc. Key4Freedom can fit additional security products to maximise the security of your premises.